Trojka polskie radio online
Trojka polskie radio online

trojka polskie radio online

Logotyp programu trzeciego Polskiego Radia.svg (en).Poland: Nationally on analogue FM, digital DAB+ & via online streaming (en).Internationally: United States: DirecTV (en).wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Logotyp_programu_trzeciego_Polskiego_Radia.svg?width=300.Regularną emisję programu rozpoczęła 1 kwietnia 1962 roku. Polskie Radio Program 3 (Trójka, Radiowa Trójka, Program Trzeci Polskiego Radia, oficjalny skrót PR3 inne: P3PR, PRP3) – ogólnopolska, całodobowa, publiczna polska stacja radiowa, będąca częścią spółki akcyjnej Polskie Radio.Polskie Radio Program III è un canale radio polacco fondato nel 1962 e di proprietà di Polskie Radio.* A mug with the old logo of PR3 (the 1990s). Former Trójka journalists now work at and. The new team of Trójka resulted in a huge drop of listernership, from around 8% to less than 2% of the market. Polish Radio then assembled a new team for the station, which included a few journalists that decided to stay and many coming from other media outlets, including some right-wing commentators. Some of the journalist from the team decided to come back to the station after one of them became the Trójka director, but they left the station again after he was removed from this position in August (after three months in office). This followed by airing many hours of music without hosts (normally, the station plays music without hosts for only two hours a year, during Christmas Eve Wigilia supper). The accusations of fabrication resulted in resignations first of the Music Chart team, and later of almost all Trójka journalists. The statement received highly negative comments from many politicians (both opposition and the ruling party), as the list was made since 1983 and most of the list staff was working in Polish Radio since up to 1978.

trojka polskie radio online

The next day Polish Radio made a statement that the results were fabricated. In May 2020 the station suffered a major transformation - after the visit of Jarosław Kaczyński, chairman of the Polish ruling party Prawo i Sprawiedliwosc to the grave of Smolensk air disaster victims (all cemeteries were then closed due to COVID-19 pandemics) became known to the public, a song relating to the events (with the catchline "Your pain is better than mine") debuted on the first place of the Lista Przebojów, winning this music chart. From 2015, the stations most known DJ's started to resign from the network or were fired (including Artur Orzech, Artur Andrus, Robert Kantereit, Dariusz Rosiak, Anna Gacek and Wojciech Mann).

trojka polskie radio online

The studios are located at Myśliwiecka Street 3/5/7 in Warsaw. It is broadcast on FM, via satellite and online. It is a music station playing a wide variety of music from rock, alternative, jazz and others. Polskie Radio Program III (Polish Radio Three), known also as Radiowa Trójka or shortly Trójka is a radio channel broadcast by the Polish public broadcaster, Polskie Radio.Das Programm wurde eingestellt, als ein Song von Kazik Staszewski, der den Parteivorsitzenden der PiS Jarosław Kaczyński kritisierte, plötzlich aus der Spitzenposition verschwand und es zu heftigen Zensurvorwürfen kam. Eine bekannte Sendung ist die Chartsendung Lista przebojów Trójki, die von April 1982 bis Mai 2020 ausgestrahlt wurde. PR3 ist ein Musiksender, dessen Spektrum von Pop bis Jazz reicht. April 1962 landesweit mit dem regulären Programm. März 1958 mit einem Testprogramm in Warschau und am 1. 'Die Drei') genannt, ist das dritte Programm der öffentlich-rechtlichen Hörfunkanstalt Polens namens Polskie Radio. 'Drittes Programm des polnischen Hörfunks'), auch Trójka (dt. 'Polnischer Hörfunk Drittes Programm') bzw. Polskie Radio 3, kurz PR3, voller Name Polskie Radio Program Trzeci (dt.

Trojka polskie radio online