There's also three silver safes containing Quixotic Greaves, a Quixotic Helmet, and Quixotic Armor.Ĭontinue up the stairs and over the turnstiles to the next floor. The next room has a ton of items to grab including a Gold Ingot, Power Ring, and Courage Pendant on the ground. Grab the Highest-quality Lumber from the table on the left and continue through the double doors. Otherwise, this fight shouldn't pose much of a threat. He'll block many attacks you throw at him to reduce incoming damage, but if you're lucky you can score a status effect on him to reduce his effectiveness. As expected, he can hit hard with his spiked iron boxing gloves. In this fight, you'll be up against The Death Knuckle Ochi (Lv. Head through the double doors for a fight. Grab the Antique Pistol from the briefcase on the left. Head back through the closed double doors near the beginning to continue. This is another standard fight that shouldn't take much effort.Īfter defeating them, grab the Expert Gloves out of the silver safe at the opposite end of the room.

If you choose to fight the enemies, you'll be up against four Tokyo Omi Alliance Members: Goto (Lv. Otherwise, you can fight them for XP and an item at the opposite end of the room. There's a group of men patrolling this room that can be skipped if you quickly head into the doorway on your right. Head down the hallway and grab the Raw Sapphire Ore before heading into the office on your right. On the next floor, grab the Mysterious Stone on the circular bench and step over the nearby turnstiles to continue. Once the fight is over, grab the Hand Grenade and Incendiary Grenade off the reception desk before taking the elevator up to the next floor. He'll occasionally taunt your party members, causing them to become enraged and only use physical attacks on him. He's resistant to physical attacks but weak to electric damage, so Adachi's Paralysis Prongs and similar attacks work extremely well.

60).Īfter dispatching the three Tokyo Omi Alliance Members, focus on Big Payback. 57 Tokyo Omi Alliance Members Niwa, Ikeda, and Furuya, this fight introduces Big Payback Adullam (Lv. He can also envenom his blade to cause poison damage to your party members.Īfter the fight, grab the Cyber Helmet from the silver safe behind him, as well as a pair of Cyber Boots in the other silver safe in the next room before returning to the previous area and exiting through the open doorway for another fight.īesides the three Lv.
He's resistant to physical, lightning, and fire attacks, but doesn't have a ton of HP so feel free to use what you can. Grab the Tungsten on the ground and head through the next set of double doors. Despite wielding bats and a lead pipe, these enemies don't pose much of a threat. There's another trio of Tokyo Omi Alliance Members waiting for you in this room: Matsuno (Lv. Head back to the previous room and through the double doors towards the objective marker. He's weak to electric attacks and can occasionally set of dynamite to damage the entire party, but otherwise shouldn't pose much of a threat.Īfter defeating him, grab the Cyber Armor from the silver safe, as well as a Military Belt and Pearl Earrings in the next room over. This fight is against Batterer out of Hell Oba (Lv. Head through the door on the left for an optional fight and some items, otherwise continue through the main double doors straight ahead. Standard battle tactics apply here as this is a straightforward fight. This fight is against three Tokyo Omi Alliance Members: Nagaoka (Lv. Enter the office on your left for another standard fight. Head to the opposite end of the hallway and follow the path ahead for a briefcase containing a Kiwami Drink. Exit the hallway and turn left for a silver safe containing Illegal Boots. Approach the elevators and take it to the next floor. Grab the High-end Leather in the corner before continuing. Stay vigilant and focus on one at a time and you should be fine. They are weak to slash and fire damage and will likely reduce damage by blocking most of your attacks. Black from the fight before focusing on the Crabby Sentinels. Thin the herd with Nanba's Essence of Pyro Prison and any other area attacks you have to eliminate the Mad Caseys and Dr. 57 Mad Caseys: Nakazawa, Uchiyama, and Tsutsui.

60 Crabby Sentinels Kawahara and Fukada as well as a Lv.

Instead of Tokyo Omi Alliance Members, you'll be up against two Lv. You'll enter a green room with medical supplements and Kasuga will warn that "there's definitely a miniboss ahead." Grab the High-quality Cloth on the ground and exit the room through the doors on the opposite side of the room. After clearing the room, head through the next set of double doors. The sledgehammer enemies are resistant to fire, but weak to electric attacks and not much more difficult than the standard enemies.